In June George & I will have been living here for 4 years. A few days ago I crossed the Granville Street Bridge. It was a great a trip & I walked back too. Two days later we did it together, with my camera. I knew George would like a view of our False Creek geography & the sense of flying the walk gives.
We walked up the Seymore Street exit ramp off the bridge. The Mark, a new high-rise, is going in there. I've been really fascinated by this building, & have a totally new respect for the skills of the workers and the complexity of the whole endeavor. Though I am sorry that the site had been a community garden surrounded with rosebushes-- all gone, of course. I love the man with the staircase cut & then close-by graffiti.
Old Bud has my vote, though I wish he [or his buddy] had put something I could actually read!! I love the ghostly interior of the letters. 
Then came the view of the bridge from the off ramp. What a jungle of bridge structure!!
The cement factory, across from us was pretty fun to see from above. There are three barges that I couldn't figure out. Only two here. Pretty chaotic. 

These are perhaps cement truck drivers. The trucks were being filled and leaving the yard.
At 7th & Hemlock we went to a coffee shop for lattes for our walk back.
I picked some cottonwood branches from a tree on the Hemlock Street ramp on our trip back. I am smelling them now as I write. Wonderful aroma! Walking back I saw the Granville Island Brewery getting ready for a pick-up. Multiples!!
There was a sublime moment crossing the bridge going back....
These shots really show most of King's Landing, the (pretentious) name of our complex. (When did a King land here? Bah humbug!) The building on the left is a different condo.
And finally some very ordinary things: crack patterns very much like a ceramic glaze. And some numbers for that collection. So urban!
That's it for today.
Three weeks back from Maui. The sun has started to shine. I don't think we'll have such a delayed spring as last year. I'm thankful for that! Today our little garden pavement was pressure-washed and I am beginning to think of getting some new plants for the pots with brown dirt in them.
Last week I went on a bit of a spree to find a carpet for the kitchen. I just hear all of you saying how unpractical, etc., etc. Kitchen? But you know... This was something I just wanted to do & I'm not up for Any Scolding! I did live in a house with a kitchen carpet!
When I met first George he had an awesome collection of carpets from Turkey mostly, & two from Iran. I had a very modest collection of my own, but a large historical connection to 'The Look'. This was 'The Look' of many of the Boston Homes I grew up with.
I wish I had taken photos of the carpets I brought home on a trial basis, because they were delicious, truly. But I can share images of stuff from our house.

So, TA-DA, the new kitchen one. Do I see scraps of food on it? TUT TUT! I DO!! But those can be completely carpet-swept away, which is one of the methods for care.
So moving on...time for tulips.
And 0rdinary things with majik about them.
That's plenty for today!