Everyone is madly fitting in the last pleasures of summer now, while the fabulous weather lasts.
George was my faithful park/gallery assistant & food-&-coffee porter. The show now goes up & comes down in less than half an hour. The systems are being refined each time. This time I learned how to tie a tighter half hitch for the clothes lines. So there is less slack. Slack isn't bad, as the poles take up any extra.
This is the long shot.... a bit like laundry... a few people said...
I grouped the quilts by color or by feel.
I really enjoyed what I saw as stained glass effects.
So here are some of my favorite shots of the work on show,
TWO YEARS' WORK (out of 52 years of sewing).
(I am restraining myself from annotating the photos to talk about each piece. I decided the blog entry would be insufferably long. There are so many stories!)
And some of the favorite fronts, backs, & effects....
(but first where I sat in the shade with my busy-work-sewing-project....)
One of the things I love about showing in this setting is the fact that viewers can see fronts & backs. I call that way of hanging 'verse & reverse'.
Other groupings....
And I sat here.
I can see now, after the fact, that I slighted some of my quilts. I feel I should apologize to them!!
One of the lovely things about sitting in this grove is that it is peaceful. There are people going by walking dogs, or off on a cycling outing, or taking gear down to a boat, or sunbathers lying around.
And then someone will discover the space by accident really. Some are completely delighted & some keep on walking.
(When I first discovered this difference I was a bit shocked. I brake for fabric.)
I delight in the pleasure someone has unexpectedly. It's giving & receiving in some kind of pure form.
That's it for now.