In the Okanagan, where I went with George & two friends, Bill & Nora, there were several layers of 'old'.
The land itself having gone through two glacial eras leaving distinct benches of land.
There were rocks of all kinds that had deposits of salts on them. It was a bit like frosting: one side of the rock & not the other. I had never seen that before.
The salts reminded me of those at this special lake.
I don't know if the two salts are the same.
There was old wood, everywhere. This is arid high desert land.
There were rocks breaking up. Scree-heaven.
I thought about getting it, but knew it would have been an ideal spot for rattlesnakes.
There was other lichen & moss too.
And we saw evidence of volcanic ash.
Another version of 'old' below: folded, nearly braided, rock layers.
Then there were old walls: man made.
And old buildings...
We thought maybe this complex was for migrant workers.
We saw an amazing collection of old toasters-- hard to photograph through glass, but...

I guess my favorite collection was in an orchard west of Hedley. Cars & tractors.
A potato digger!
Maybe a wine press should have the last word.
That's it for now.