What a jolt to our system Covid 19 has been!
I took this selfie on March 7, 2020 from the Granville Street Bridge deck looking into one of the Vancouver House triangular buildings. This building will be University of Canada West.
In no time at all George & I
became house bound, more or less staying in place.
Social distancing became a new "thing" we had to do, then wearing masks & gloves came in.
Even our Mexican Band had to give space. I invented a space-making gizmo for myself, but never took out a patent on it.
Everyone went into high gear making masks. I thought I preferred the bandit look, but it's way too hard on my nose!
The gym & pool in our condo got closed, so we took to walking on the sea wall before 9am when everyone started going out.
We have had lovely peaceful mornings looking into English Bay.
George's hair grew way too long & two haircuts were administered by the in-house barber, moi. He cut my hair too, much to his surprise, & did a really good job.
Erica & Jason have bought & brought our groceries which has been lovely & we have also been able to have social time with them 6 feet apart in our garden.
George & I have had a big love affair with tulips. Oh my!!

I have also taken to my studio to finish up some work that I had started ages ago. This seemed like a good time to get stuff off my plate, as in: "Clean your plate, Daphne."
The first one I'm calling Daphne with her Milagros.
I think I just learned that milagros means magic.
The outline of my body is dotted with small things that I had collected over the years: unlost earrings, memorable buttons, an Adlai Stevenson campaign button, a zipper tab, a tiny spool of thread, 3 snake vertebra from Botswana, & so on.
Another piece is also about memories: maybe My Life In 8 Parts.
Part 1, 2, 3... etc
Wonderful Teachers, Making Things with my Hands, Love of Cloth, Love of Harmony & Melody, My Two Families, My Romance with my Cameras, Love of Dancing, Enjoyment of Books.
Lesley Trivett came by & photographed me & us.
That's it for now.