Thursday, December 29, 2011

derelicts, decay, & abandonment

George & I have a joke about 'the Real Maui'. It happens in the presence of back alleys, back roads, & places that haven't been gussied up for tourism.

I realize I have quite a few photos of derelict & decayed & abandoned things. It's one of my themes, for sure.

Two days ago, on an outing with Sabina & Rosamar & George I saw some things that were so definitely in this category. I have no idea what OOCL is, but I'll bet it's a Japanese company.

I guess what partly 'gets' me is how many questions flood into my mind: who built this structure? what was it's original/&later purpose? how old is it? who owns it/owned it?  And once these questions start many more come.  A collection of old bicycle seats? Why? Why here? How forlorn is that?

But this window in Paia beats all. This strained paper has been there for at least 2 years, and I finally got a picture of it.

I suppose you could say this is accidental art. No one set out to make these amazing water-stain effects. I also see that this sort of thing is the stuff of some modern abstract art. You see something unusual & you flag it & celebrate it.

That's it for today.

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