Saturday, September 23, 2017


George & I went up the coast of BC to Lund.
We took two ferries to get there. Lund is at the end/beginning of highway 101. The next day we took a boat up to Desolation Sound.

George Vancouver named it back in the 1700s. But since then people discovered that there are patches of the sound that are warm enough for pleasurable swimming. This is a favorite place for sailors nowadays. 

There are thousands of islands along that inland waterway &  more passages & inlets. There's even a group called the Ragged Islands. Looking at a map it seems a most apt name. Lots of glacial activity formed all this.
In one narrow passage where we stopped for lunch, I was beset with reflections. It was both magical & a bit dizzying, disorienting. Suddenly the colors seem intense.

I think this last one is my favorite. Maybe because it's so bestial!

That's it for now.

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