Sunday, May 16, 2021

Oh Solo Double Trio, Numbers in my Life

Originally in 2012 I had hoped to publish a book, Oh Solo Double, Trio, but I exhausted myself with that effort.  

While I was teaching at Moberly School in Vancouver B.C my 2nd grade students were occasionally asked to write in their math journals & I wrote in mine. My math journal was the seed of Oh Solo Double, Trio.

Now is the time to try to figure out what to DO with this set! There is a bit of exasperation in this voice, in this sentence, because it's not easy to find a home for such a large & unusual body of work. 

Here are photos of the 18 quilts--fronts & backs (pages have two sides) & a detail of most. I am hoping find some place where they might inspire others to enjoy numbers in new & playful  ways. That is my teacherly goal!


First the title quilt, Oh, Solo, Double, Trio   (2012) (24" x 36") [Not quite finished with the quilting part in this photo.]
& the dedication inside the cover.

                             A Lot of Nothing is about zero. (2008) (24" x 36") 

                                           Many different ways of looking at zero.                                                     


We Are One (2009)  (24" x 36")
The Power of Two   (2009)   (24" x 36"), also could be called Double Double.

Three Points of Interest  (2009)   (24" x 36")


My 4 Lenses for Looking at Numbers  [in this case the number 4] (2009)   (24" x 36")
The different ways are: language, science, culture, & pure math/geometry.


A Knot, a Ribbon, & Much More  (2009)   (24" x 36"
This one is about golden rectangles, tying a knot, & finding a spiral.


Hexominoes  (2008)   (24" x 36"
Hexominoes are figures formed with 6 squares attached edge to edge.

July 7 Birthdays   (2009)   (24" x 36")


Symmetric Numbers  (2009)  (24" x 36")


The Magic of 9  (2008)  (24" x 36"
This is about the surprising patterns hidden in the times table.


Fingers & Toes  (2008)   (24" x 36")

11-Point Stars  (2008)   (24" x 36")


12-Hour Clock  (2010)   (24" x 36")

4 X 13 Cards  (2009)   (24" x 36")

detail [I had to put queens at the top.]

What Grew From Mathematics  (2004)   (24" x 36") [This was made about page 43 of my math college & grad school textbook: Birkhoff & MacLane, Modern Algebra]

The Look of Numbers  (2012)   (24" x 36")

Colophon  (2012)  (24" x 36")
about the author


I  have the math journal that I worked on in my classroom-- the one that lead to my trying to develop a publishable book. This draft copy -- the first version of Oh, Solo, Double, Trio & the journal I should accompany the quilts to their new home.

That's it for now.

1 comment:

  1. Took me a few days to get to this and I'm so glad I did! I love seeing the series again. I had forgotten their beauty -- 0 1 2 5 11 and 12 are especially delicious for me. I hope and pray some school will scoop them up!!
