Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Sugar Mill

Yesterday Sal & Jobst took us to an old free library, the original library on Maui. It's no longer free: a book cost $.25. No membership cards.

The road to this place took me on roads around the sugar mill I had never been on.

Raw sugar roads, raw Maui roads, raw industrial site.
This is a zone of Maui tourists done want to go & don't go to see.
But I was riveted & asked George to drive the car while I hopped out when I wanted to take photos.

There's something terribly poignant for me about what we saw on this outing. The sugar mill is thriving, but its detritus is sad. All this waste!

So here's a sampling. Many trucks are red. These trucks are/look, I thought, functional.

 Since everything is Maui-dust-red-brown, any color really stands out. This #5 box is an excellent example of that. The truck behind it is covered with dirt/earth.


Wonderful buildings in corrugation.

 This is a good body of the mill. Lots of fresh air in it! Lots of dirt on it!

Quite a few months later, George & I make another visit to the mill. Now it is slated for closure & the whole zone has a deeper layer of tristesse!

Boxes, numbers & randomness & textures!! I love weathered corrugated boxes. Maybe it's the "quilty" texture of the surfaces. I'm sure I've talked about this before.
These boxes are now looking less red.

The Sugar Mill on Maui is closing. WHERE will all this stuff go?
That's it for now!!

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